League-of-legends – force the minions to attack me, when no enethe chamion is around


I know that you can get minion "aggro" when you attack an enemy champion or when nothing else is around.

But how do I force them to attack me, when no enemy champion is around?

Best Answer

There's nothing you can do far from facing them without your minions or taunting them, since they have more priority facing minions when champs don't autoattack each other.

From the lol wikia:

Minions prioritize targets in the following order:

  • An enemy champion designated by a call for help from an allied champion. (Enemy champion attacking an Allied champion)
  • An enemy minion designated by a call for help from an allied champion. (Enemy minion attacking an Allied champion)
  • An enemy minion designated by a call for help from an allied minion. (Enemy minion attacking an Allied minion)
  • An enemy turret designated by a call for help from an allied minion. (Enemy turret attacking an Allied minion)
  • An enemy champion designated by a call for help from an allied minion. (Enemy champion attacking an Allied minion)
  • The closest enemy minion.
  • The closest enemy champion.