League-of-legends – Can Fiora be CC’d during her ultimate


I understand that Fiora is not targetable by point and click abilities during her ultimate, but what happens during a type of AoE crowd control, like Sona's Crescendo or Amumu's Curse of the Sad Mummy?

Best Answer

Fioras Ultimate gives you basically the same "Invurnerability" as a Vladimir W or a Fizz E. While you are completely untargetable and immune to AOE you will still take damage from DOT abilites. Also something like Fiddle drain will not be interrupted if it was applied before you used your ultimate. The only champion that has a total invurnerability is Shaco because his ultimate makes him disappear from the game for a short amount of time.

You can read about all the different types of Invurnerability here (the one of fiora counts as a "Dash")