League-of-legends – How come Fiddlesticks drain targets Fiora in her ult


Wikd played a game earlier as fiora and laned against fiddlesticks and couldnt hold his own do to fiddles drain targeting her during her ult. Is this meant to happen or a bug that has to be fixed? If its meant to be, is fiddlesticks a plausible counter for fiora?

Best Answer

It will most likely not be fixed, as this is not a bug. Leash effects can hit untargetable champs as long as they stay with in range. Nocturne's Fear leash, Morgana's Ulti leash, and Fiddlesticks' Drain can all his champs like Fiora, Vlad, Fizz, and any champ using an Hourglass (though while using hourglass you can negate any negative effects that proc during the untargetable durration. Fiora and Vlad will get feared or stunned while in their Untargetable state.