League-of-legends – Can Gangplank’s ultimate be reliably controlled


So I am playing pretty actively with Gangplank the last time (mainly because of his Remove Scurvy ability). But i have noticed that his ult is pretty unreliable. Yes you can use it cross map to steal baron or secure a kill or something but accuracy is a big issue. I have seen enemy champs just walk through the entire area (max upgraded) without even getting hit. I was wondering if there were area's where cannonballs hit more often or how to use this properly since in my opinion this is not the scariest anti-flee ability.

Best Answer

It's totally random. I tend to place it in areas that are congested, like tri-bush area in jungle, the paths close to the blue on each respective side, near the wraiths, wherever there's a teamfight. Try to actively see where your jungler is, and use it when he ganks for easy assists. Also if I plan on diving my enemy I place it between him and his path to his tower.

This is anecdotal, however in response to your OP, yes it is unreliable.

EDIT: you may or may not play these champions, but if you play Karthus, Soraka, or Shen, you should have a pretty good understanding of how to watch the mini-map and be a good global presence. Use GP's Ult in similar situations that you'd use theirs. (I.E. try to secure kills or score a few easy assists, even if it doesn't turn the tide of the teamfight, you'll get cash if an enemy dies and you don't have to leave lane.)