League-of-legends – Diana Q-R time frame


I've noticed when playing Diana that if you Q lands slightly after your R it still resets your R.

Is this because of one of the following or because a time-frame is allotted, if so is the time-frame known?

  • Misconception of when Q & R 'hits' the target. Possible misconception seen here (YouTube video).
  • Latency
  • Combination of both
  • Something else

Best Answer

Well, I found the answer after some partially related searches.

"The time it takes for Crescent Strike to reach your target at max range is the same time Lunar Rush takes to reach so if you cast Crescent Strike into Lunar Rush you will get the cooldown refresh immediately."

It is a wikia one could argue it is unreliable but I feel that same argument could be used to say StackExchange is unreliable haha. Assuming this is true then my thought that it was just a misconception of when the abilities 'hit' would be true. Which makes sense.