League-of-legends – do to recover from a fed enethe champion


I have been invovled in many games where one of my teammates fed their respective lane very hard, while the other lanes are staying even with the enemy and we end up losing a good percentage of the time. Bringing all lanes and jungle into the equation, what can we do to comeback from this without the game snowballing out of control?

Best Answer

Just recently TSM was counterpicked hard on top lane, and Dyrus fed 2 kills early as WW vs Olaf, and he was behind double digits in cs. His lane was done. Jungler never came to help because there was a high risk of being double killed by the Olaf. The way they came back was by completely giving up on that lane. Dyrus roamed to help pick up objectives like towers and dragons.. and he ganked mid and bot lanes. When he was in lane, he didn't farm outside of the tower, often giving up large quantities of cs.

So that's some advice for you if you're feeding. However.. if someone else is feeding, you're best bet is to make sure the other lanes win harder. Also, be POSITIVE towards the feeder. Perhaps they had a bad start but they're actually pretty good. You'll never know if you or your team degrades them so much that they start to focus more on yelling back than coming back.