League-of-legends – How to play Mid Lane as Akali agaist Morgana


I really like to play Akali and always try to go for the mid lane, because many people underrate Akali there and get easily killed by me. I can handle mid lane agaist most champions except Morgana, Annie and Mordekaiser, but especially Morgana gives me trouble.

If I attack her with Level 6 or higher (with shadow dance and 3 marks) she stun me and her burst of damage takes me down while I can't do enough damage to kill her.

If I don't attack her she will push the lane very hard and I lose the tower after a while and if my teammates play bad at their lanes, I can't support them either than they can support me.

So how could I handle such a bad situation?

Best Answer

Simple answer - You shouldn't mid as Akali vs a Morgana.

  1. She will be a better harasser

    • Her AoE and snare will wear you down faster than your Q will on her
    • Your smoke bomb is nearly useless vs her AoE and ultimate

  2. She farms better

    • Your farming skills mean you have to get in auto attack range, her AoE will slowly wear you down
    • She has spell vamp as passive, so her laning presence is very strong

  3. She is too strong vs your skills

    • Your harassing depends on auto attacking after marking. She can spell shield when you are in range, then AoE > Snare.
    • AoE and ult > your smoke bomb

If you have no choice then I would:

  • Use Flash to get out of sticky situations with her snare and ult (Smoke bomb + Flash is just absolutely amazing for escaping)
  • Use your smoke bomb to farm more safely
  • Not bother trying to harass, concentrate on farming / last hitting Gank lanes as soon as possible

If you do have a choice then I would:

  • Pick a a champ that will out farm her
  • Pick a AD ranged champ (spell shield not so effective now!)
  • Pick a tanky champ to mid vs her, i.e. Vlad / Galio, she isn't particulary dangerous on her own and its an easy lane for a tanky champ