League-of-legends – Does item effects stack with other item effects


For an example if 2 people had frozen heart would it stack? will of the ancients stack so does other items stack as well?

I meant 2 people as in both of them having it, would they stack with one other since they're different people?

Best Answer

Auras are unique effects that are only applied one time.

But there is an exception when it comes to buffs:

An exception to this rule is in the event that multiple champions are carrying an item with the same beneficial aura effect, each of those two champions will receive two instances of the aura buff: one from the item they are carrying, and a second from the aura of their ally. If a champions is near both of the champions with the same aura item, it will only receive one instance of the aura. No champion can ever receive more than two instances of a unique benevolent aura, regardless of how many nearby allies are providing the buff.
