League-of-legends – Is Ardent Censer still viable during late game


I want to know if Ardent Censer IS viable for supports during late games considering:

  • Abilities/Skills :

    Some supports benefit their team a lot, some may benefit his own a lot. I'm talking about AoE shields/heals that can really take advantage of it but in exchange for other items.

  • Situations

    If your team is much of an AD-based and the team has at least 2 AP, will AC be useful as a Solari does? Will AC + AP Stack (for better heal/shield)/ Tank items (if Alistar/Leona) be better?

  • Value of other (Support/Situational) Items

    Is the buff really that useful considering that in late game, tanks are REAL tanks with their Omen all over their body, as well as Thornmail/Frozen Heart? Also, if ASPD is useful for AD damagers, why not use Zeke's Herald instead?

I just love the + movement speed items without being useless to my team so I'm thinking if it's worth building in decent elo ranked games .

Best Answer

It is actually A pretty decent Item during any stage of the game. Similar to ohmwrecker it's not bad but heavily underused and very situational.

Now In the lategame it somehow loses a bit of its potential, however it can still be great for objectives like Baron, Dragon or Turrets. Especially on Chapions with AOE Heals/Shields like Karma, Janna or Alistar.

But should you buy it all the time? No.

It's really good if you can grab one early in the game on champions like Janna or Sona but if you haven't gotten it by 25-30 minutes you should probably go for more Tankiness instead of the Censer. Maybe if you go Full AP or if you are just trolling around you can still pick it up later in the game but there are definitely items that will show a bigger benefit for your team (Randuins/Locket etc).