League-of-legends – Does Malphite’s E (the ground smash) work when his enemies are airborne


Malphite's ult temporarily makes the target(s) airborne. During that time, will his E (the ground smash) damage them, or would it only work if they are on the ground?

I would hate to think that I've wasted all these E's because I triggered it right after ulting.

Best Answer

It will hit. Attacks in the game are divided into targeted projectiles (Malphite's Q, Ashe's Basic attacks), AoE skillshots (Malphite's ultimate), Semi-Skillshots (Yasuo's Q, Ezreal's W), Skillshots (Nidalee's Q, Ezreal's Q). The only thing that can stop an ability from connecting is the ability not being in the area of effect.

Areas of effect are calculated by hitboxes, which measure two axis, x and y. In other terms, it's what's for your character Front-Back, Left-Right. Being airborn only moves the character's portrait, the character will not be moved up (as there isn't a Z axis), hence that is why it will still hit.