League-of-legends – Does Snowballing ingame relate to the champion or the items


When players talk about snowballing champions, do they mean the Champion scales a certain way or that their items they would buy would be super strong?

Best Answer

To clarify the confusion, there is snowball champions, and snowball items.

Snowball Champions are champions that "snowball" with kills early on. A great example of this is when you see a jungle Shaco that is running with smite and ignite. The idea behind this is that he needs to get kills early on to be useful, and if he doesn't get kills he falls behind, this is the major draw back to "snowball" champions. Most often snowball champions fall behind in late game and lose there use.

Snowball Items are items that "snowball" with kills early on, while this is kind of the same idea as snowball champions, and sometimes you will see snowball champions pick up these items. Snowball items are most commonly refereed to as items that have stacks, these often have very high risk for high reward, where you need kills to benefit, and if you die you lose a lot examples are like Mejai's Soulstealer, Leviathan, Sword of the Occult, etc. While there are other times that do stack as well (Warmogs, Bloodthirster). These items don't offer nearly as much risk as reward and cost considerably more.

Hope this helps, Cheers.