League-of-legends – How to effectively attack enethe champions with a ranged champion


My problem is I have a hard time winning auto-atack battles.

I don't know how to chase while attacking with my ADC. I "right-click" Draven continuously while chasing, and sometimes he stops to run and my Ashe run toward Draven until melee range, and then start to attack. I think that I am missing some right clicks.

I searched the web about advanced controlling the champion, and I learn about the "A" key and click the target, or Shift+Click to attack-move, but I don't know what the best or ideal way to do it.

Maybe I'm just nervous when in the heat of the battle, but if it is case of practice, I want to start to practice the correct way to make it.

I thank you any help!

Best Answer

At the most basic level (to avoid not attacking)- you don't need to click continuously; just right click once and your champion will attack until you tell them to do something else.

Eventually (and this really isn't important now, but I include it to not lead you astray in the long run) you'll find that this is slightly sub-optimal when chasing, because your champion will only walk forward when actually out of range, which is problem when you're not out of range but soon will be. In this situation, you should manually walk forward after each attack. You'll need familiarity with the champion in question to know exactly how early in the attack animation you can move without canceling it.