League-of-legends – How do players link Alistar’s Headbutt and Pulverize in an instant


Watching the pro players, whenever someone plays Alistar they somehow chain pulverize and headbutt in an instant. Does anyone know how they're doing that?

Best Answer

This is something that can only be done with a very low ping and decent hardware.

Essentially you press W and target the enemy and then immediately press Q while you are traveling to complete the Headbutt. This will cause Alistar to execute his Pulverize as soon as his Headbutt animation has finished. Because the enemy has a travel time from the Headbutt, the Pulverize will interrupt their movement and instead knock them up into the air.

If you ever see an Alistar seemingly activate his Pulverize and pound the ground for no reason, it is most likely because they attempted to perform this combo but the target was out of range.