League-of-legends – Better max Q or R on Udyr


So I would like to ask since I just started Udyr, what is the first ability that I should max? I've seen many builds of pro players that max R first but I would like to know the reason. Why R and not Q since Q does more damage in battles? Just so you can have the faster clear time on camps?

Best Answer

It mainly depends on where you play him. In lane, taking Phoenix would be counterproductive as Tiger gives you better last-hit power and duel power, while Phoenix would just push your wave all the time, but I'll speak on behalf of Jungle Udyr:

The reason Phoenix is better in the jungle is - contrary to the popular belief that tiger stance gives better clear speed with it's synergy with the machete - it scales better with attack speed, and attack speed is what junglers want.

Phoenix gives you AOE damage on top of your AA damage, with the addition that every 3rd AA as well as the first one on activation will trigger a small AOE nuke. This gives Phoenix udyr higher item-less DPS, and encourages you to build attack speed to synergize with Feral Flare, instead of AD to make tiger stance's dot remotely useful. Besides that, you will deal more damage with Phoenix waves and AA procs than Tiger's DoT and AAs thanks to monkey's agility and Udyr's reactivation cooldown. This benefit also works for ganks assuming the lane has CC (in addition to red buff and monkey's agility MS bonus) as you will land a lot more attacks, while not even needing to attack for the phoenix activation flames to hit for some damage.

The difference in jungling speed between phoenix and tiger (up to the small wraith camp) is around 10 seconds, as the lack of AOE for clearing camps actually makes you lose a lot of time.