League-of-legends – How should i use shen’s taunt


Mainly, what people should i target with it? I like to hit the ap carry to prevent them fro using abilities, then, if possible, the ad carry to make them hit me, then the support to prevent heals. Is this right or am i clueless?

Best Answer

You want to try and hit as many as possible basically.

You have the correct idea though, prioritizing those targets.

You will almost always want to hit the AD carry as they generally have the most DPS and potential to wreck your team. Taunting them takes them out of the fight for a short while. The only time you wouldn't target them is of course if they aren't there, and if they are severely underfed or under-leveled.

Targeting the AP carry is also a good idea as like you said, it keeps them from casting spells. You will especially want to target AP carrys with channeled abilities, especially Katarina. This stops the abilities and in turn most of their damage.

Targeting supports isn't a high priority due to their low damage. Unless they built items for damage or have great team-fight abilities (Sona and Nami's ult for example) you might want to target them and get your team to focus them down before they get the chance to use their ultimate's.

In the end though, the general idea is to target as many high-damage / high-utility targets as possible.