League-of-legends – How to beat 5 supports in League of Legends Blind pick


I recently played against Taric, Sona, Janna, Soraka, and Lulu in a blind pick. They all had Heal.

We got destroyed. We were: Warwick, Fiora, Swain, Nautilus, and Caitlyn.

I jungled Warwick. Fiora went top (probably the reason we lost), Swain mid, and Nautilus and Caitlyn bot.

It was nuts. They had destroyed 6 towers and gotten Baron by level 14.

What would have been the best strategy for beating this team?

Best Answer

Packing Ignite would have lowered their healing on a champion at a time so you could focus them, and Executioner's Calling would have done the same. Because of all their Magic and hard CC, you all should have had Merc Treads and MR. Other than that, just focus the squishier people that can do damage when the fights start. Probably should have gone Lulu > Sona > Janna > Soraka > Taric.