League-of-legends – How to counter Heimer mid


Heimerdinger uses those turrets to have a lot of lane presence and those rockets seem to have infinite range. I play a lot of Annie, Veigar, and Gragas in mid, but heimer always seems to kick my ass. I've tried killing the turrets, instead of poking heimer, but that usually just leads to my losing creeps and heimer poking me down. Help please?

Best Answer

You have a few options,

  1. play a safe AP mid and sit back and farm along with buying GP10 items to push you into late game with greater income.

  2. Play an AP with decent burst/cc and have your jungle camp mid. If the Heimer is using turrets he will most likely push and be in position to be ganked fairly often.

Just always remember to have at least 3 minions closer to Heimer than you so that his missiles prioritize them over you.