League-of-legends – How to Counter Juggernauts


So I enjoy playing Nasus and Riven top lane, and every other game, I come across a champ that Riot has defined as a Juggernaut.(e.x. Darius, Illaoi, Garen, and the occasional Morde)

I'm reading from all over that the juggernauts in the Juggernaut update were still extremely unhealthy but had winrates around 49-51% with the exception of Garen, who is slightly healthier. It's enough to say that I'm still losing lane regularly against these champs. I always let them push to turret and with Riven I go in for the 3rd Q>Tiamat>AA>W>AA>E and usually come out unpunished. Yet I overextend for 1 farm or fail to cancel my autos, and they chunk me down to 50%. What do I do except cry at my turret?

Best Answer

As Riven, your biggest advantage is your mobility. Use your abilities to hit them a few times and get out before they can significantly trade back. This will work for most juggernauts, but there are some that will be able to trade back if they hit an ability (such as Darius). Against them, you'll want to either bait out their abilities before going in to trade, or out-play them. Using Darius as an example, if you are hit with his E try to stun him while he is casting his Q, hit him and use Q or E to get out of range. Depending on the matchup and relative skill, in some cases you will have to basically do what you are saying you do and just get good at farming under turret until your jungler comes.

With Nasus, you are signing up for a weak early lane in exchange for quite a lot of power once you've stacked your Q. Focus on minimizing damage taken and stacking at first, get some damage if you are doing OK or some defense and CDR if you aren't, and start using your Q to keep your opponent wary of trading with you. As Nasus going even in a lane is basically winning it (assuming you are stacking), and use your E to make trades go in your favor once your Q is sufficiently powerful (by hitting them with Q, then slowing them to keep them in range for a second one).