League-of-legends – How to counter support Zyra


I main support, usually opting for poke supports such as Lulu and Sona or aggressive supports such as Blitzcrank and Leona. Since the various Regional Finals, however, I've begun to encounter support Zyras in my bot lane.

This is a very difficult lane for me. I can't establish lane dominance, since Zyra just sits in her bush and puts seeds in mine. I've tried a rune page with flat MR for when I play against Zyra to counter some of her harass, but it doesn't help against her cc.

How can I effectively counter a support Zyra?

Best Answer

Zyra as a support has a bunch of useful skills:

  • She is ranged.
  • Grasping Roots: A 0.75 / 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 root that can be used to initiate.
  • Rampant Growth: No mana cost and plants a seed which can be used as a ward
  • Zyras ulti Stranglethorns doesn't deal much damage but after 2 seconds, the vines snap back knocking enemies into the air for 1.5 seconds
  • And don't forgot her passive Rise of the Thorns. When she dies, she shoots a line nuke which takes 99 (+ 25 x level) True Damage - this is 549 damage at level 18!

However, Zyra doesn't have any escape mechanism.

To counter Zyra I would recommend a champion that is ranged, fast, gives a heal or shield and has a good escape or group stun.

I would choose Janna

Janna has great mobility, can easily and quickly knock enemies into the air, and her shields can win fights. She also has a good slow and her ulti is one of the best escape & heal mechanisms in the game - it simply can "reset" teamfights.

Hope that I explained my decision process :)