League-of-legends – How to decide what items to buy/what to build


There are suggested items in the shop menu, but I've seen many streamers buy items other than the suggested ones. I understand that it's on a case-by-case basis, but I've also heard (from watching streams) that some items are worthless.

Best Answer

It depends on who is fed on the enemy team and how many characters they have in that role.

For tanks: If they have Yi jungle, Tryn top and Kog bot, I should go for Thornmail and Frozenheart.

When the AD carry is killed 5 times in 20 minutes, and their AP mid got free farm and/or kills, you need to focus on MR.

If you're an AD carry and the enemy has a Thornmail, get a Wits End. It counters it (or so I have heard, I dont play that much as AD carry).