League-of-legends – Which of the 3 support items can earn you the most gold


Currently there are 3 major support Items: the relic shield, the ancient coin and the spellthiefs edge. I usually use the coin or the shield, because i feel like it's the most secure gold income. However one day I played lulu support with the spellthiefs edge and by playing really aggressive I procced the passive quite often. I think I got more gold on this Item than on any other game where I lasthitted with the shield or stood near a minion when it died. I personally feel like on average i'm getting the most gold with the shield, but mathematically i'm not sure about that.

Let's say there are 6 bot lanes in 3 different games with 3 different Items. Everyone starts with the basic form of the item and goes back whenever they have enough gold to buy the upgrade.

So what is the most efficient gold item when playing perfectly (In a lane, a whole game would be too complex). That means: Standing near as many minions as possible when they die if you have the coin, lasthitting a minion whenever possible (think about cannon minions aswell!) with the shield, and of course keeping the spellthief passive on cooldown with the pick.

Best Answer

This answer was given on 05-02-2014. The current patch is 4.1. The answer will probably get less accurate and/or relevant in future patches.

I'm gonna have to make some assumptions to create a proper example here.

  1. I'm not taking in account any gold increases from masteries.
  2. I'm taking the first ten minutes of the game as 'laning phase', The values may change if the laning phase is longer, but you really can't know that up front so early decision making should not change.
  3. I'm not taking into account any jungle farming
  4. I'm assuming the 'level 1' version of the items, buying the upgrade at some point will ofcourse change the data

Relic shield:

Minions start spawning from 1:30. So at ten minutes the 18th wave will spawn. This means that for the first ten minutes you have 17 waves to farm (the 18th will be underway at ten minutes). A cannon minion spawns in the wave every 3 waves and the Relic shield has a 60 second internal cooldown. So you can last hit the following:
wave 1 (melee minion) +23 +5
wave 3 (cannon minion) +40 +5
wave 5 (melee minion) +23 +5
wave 7 (cannon minion) +40 +5
wave 9 (melee minion) +23 +5
wave 11 (cannon minion) +40 +5
wave 13 (melee minion) +23 +5
wave 15 (cannon minion) +40 +5
wave 17 (melee minion) +23 +5

total 320 gold

Spellthief's edge:

The internal cooldown is 10 seconds per enemy. In a standard game you will be able to start hitting your opponents from about 2:00 when both teams go to their lane after helping their jungler. That means you can hit your opponents 48 times (both of them, as the cooldown is not shared between enemies hit) so 96 procs on the item. It gives you 4 gold per proc. Spellthief's edge also gives a passive 2 gold per 10 seconds. This is 120 gold for ten minutes.

total 504 gold

Ancient coin:

This one is easy, there are 17 waves (as said in the Relic shield part) to be farmed. Four of them have an extra minion. totaling 106 minions. The coin gives 2 gold. It also has the 2 gold per 10 seconds passive.

total 332 gold


Spellthief's edge is the best item for pure gold gain, but it only grants gold to you. The Relic shield also gives gold to your adc (85). Ancient coin seems like the worst choice gold wise, but it's a lot more passive (and easy, 'safe pick' etc). Depending on when you buy the upgrades this coud change a lot. I think it's too complex to go into that in an answer here, if you really want to know about the upgrades as well, I suggest looking up a support guide that covers these items.

Relic shield wiki entry
Spellthief's edge wiki entry
Ancient coin wiki entry
Minions wiki entry