League-of-legends – How to decide whether to use Pow-Pow or Fishbones


Jinx's Q switch between her minigun and rocket launcher. While the minigun (Pow-Pow) adds attack speed, the rocket launcher (Fishbones) does 110% damage and AoE. When do I use what? The 110% damage is cool but so is the attack speed.

Best Answer

The mini-gun has a better rate of fire, while the rocket launcher has extra range and damage, causes full splash damage with roughly melee attack range around the target, and also costs mana per shot.

Laning phase

Most of the time, you should be using the mini-gun. The very high rate of fire at all levels means great sustain with Doran's Blade should you need it, and gives you more flexibility and error tolerance when last hitting minions, especially in early levels. Against champions, use it when you commit to a fight like a regular ADC would use autoattacks.

The rocket launcher is excellent for harassing the enemy laners, as it has bonus range and damage, and might even hit both enemy laners for double damage in total. Because of the splash damage, you can effectively increase the total range even further by attacking a minion in front of and close to an enemy champion.

The rocket launcher also helps last hitting if you have multiple enemy minions close to death so you don't lose any, or pushing the lane hard when the time is right. Be careful not to use it all the time though, as it will drain your mana. Note that the rate of fire buff from the mini-gun will apply to the first rocket fired, which helps greatly with both AoE last hitting and harassing.

Team fights

In team fights, the mini-gun has better single-target sustained damage than the rocket launcher, just because of the attack speed buff. The rocket launcher might be useful for continuous use only when the enemy team is clumped up, such as when J4 or Orianna gets off a really good ult, catching the whole enemy team. Usually though, the mini-gun is better.

Exception: If your target is close to death and you want to make absolutely sure that your next autoattack is really the last, you can switch from mini-gun to rocket launcher for one rocket at both full attack speed and the extra 10% AD damage. After the first rocket, the attack speed buff is lost, however, so your damage output will then drop dramatically.