League-of-legends – How to dodge Sivir’s boomerang ability


Whenever I lane bot against a Sivir, she hits me every single time with her boomerang, making me have to go back to the base a lot. The people on my team always tell me to just dodge her ability, but how do you do this? Does it just come with practice, or is there an easy way to predict where and when that boomerang is gonna fly at you?

Best Answer

Sivir's Boomerang Blade can be an annoying harass, both at early level and late game. Unfortunately, it mostly takes practice to be able to avoid it. But there are a couple of tips that I think (hope) will be helpful in the long run.


Sivir's Boomerang Blade has a fairly large attack radius. Where you are in relation to where Sivir is when she launches the attack can make a fairly significant difference. The important thing to remember, though, is the further you are from her, the longer you have to react. Try to remain at a distance as much as possible when facing Sivir; especially in early game. One more important point on placement, the more minions between you and Sivir, the less damage you will receive if Boomerang Blade hits you. Each enemy it hits makes the damage to the next enemy lessen.


Unfortunately for you, sometimes dodging her initial attack ins't always enough. Her blade will track with her, if she moves up or down on the battlefield. You should always move in the opposite direction from Sivir. In the following image, consider your Champion to be X, while the colored arrows show the path of the blade upon return, in relation to Sivir's movement.

Example of Sivir Boomerang trajectory

One last point worth mentioning is this: While the camera is zoomed in in that image, it's important to remember the high range of Boomerang Blade. It will extend to the far edge of the screenshot.

If you can't always avoid the first shot, pay close attention to avoiding the return strike. But in the end, it really comes down to practice, practice, practice.