League-of-legends – How to gank effectively as Jungle Skarner


I like Skarner, a lot. But despite that, I don't understand him entirely to be honest. He has an amazingly short range, no proper initiate skill, and his CC is his ultimate. To even get his slow off you have to hit with it twice before it works. How can he jungle effectively without any kind of ability to properly gank?

Best Answer

First of all, the simplest part of your post to deal with is his Crystalline Slash. You're correct that you need to hit it twice in order to generate the slow debuff. You do NOT have to hit it twice on the enemy champion. As you run towards your gank target, hit Crystalline Slash once when it range of enemy creeps. This way, when you Crystalline Slash the enemy, you are immediately slowing.

Second, Skarner is all about the ability to quickly get on your target, since all of his abilities require being in so close. Start off by using the increased movement speed quints and putting 4 points in Swiftness. With these, plus boots 1, you will be at 405 move speed. When your Crystalline Exoskeleton is active, you'll jump all the way up to 452 move speed.

Finally, when ganking, pay attention to where you are coming from. Often you want to be moving from behind the enemy in lane. If you come out in front of them, or from the wrong side if you're ganking middle, then they can retreat in a straight line making their escape significantly simpler.

If you want to watch a pro play Skarner and learn from them, look up Diamondprox. He's the jungler on Moscow 5, an elite LOL competitive team.