League of Legends Terminology – How to Know When It’s Time to Push


I'm fairly new to League of Legends and I learned of the concept of zoning recently, and it makes a lot of sense, but no source that I visited tells me when I know it is time to push. The most information that I found was "around level 6" which is hardly useful, if at all.

So, how can a beginner know when it's time to push?

Best Answer

Pushing generally refers to moving the battle lines the minions make towards the opponent's nexus, destroying towers and 'pushing' closer and closer with each wave of minions.

You want to push when:

  • a) all 5 enemy champions are visible on distant parts of the map
  • b) you have just won a team fight, and your team still has a goodly portion of its health / mana
  • c) Following a successful gank (or any other situation where your team's champions outnumber the opposing team's defenders.

Both of these situations means you and your minions can attack a tower with impunity, and not worry about being harassed, killed, or countered by enemy heroes.