League-of-legends – How to most efficiently spend gold as support


Ever since the preseason changes to support items I tend to find myself having a large amount of gold. Since I'm not used to this amount of gold as support I was wondering what I could use it best on.

Most supports now have their utility scale with AP. Should I build like an AP mid to strengthen utility and damage, or maybe that is best left to the actual mid? The only items I ever generally get on all supports is boots, one gold item and a sightstone then whatever looks good after those. My favorite support is Lulu if you have a good answer for a build to use on her.

What do I spend the rest of this gold on most effectively?

Best Answer

For starters, 3 slots are usually taken for standard items: gold item, sightstone and boots. This leaves 3 open slots for other items. And you won't probably not fill them until 25 mins of game (unless it's unbalanced).

Most supports has been reviewed to get more utility based on their AP or an other stat. So, an efficient way to spend gold on support is by getting items that provide help in teamfight and using that particular stat.

Example (for Lulu which I play a lot), I go for Morellonomicon for CoolDown Reduction (more whimsy, more ults, more slow, more shields), then depending on the enemy team: abyssal scepter for magic resist or Zhonya's Hourglass for armour. Last item can be either twin shadows for more MR and the active or Rabbadon's Deathcap for a real boost in AP late game, since all the kit of Lulu is being more efficient with AP (stronger slow, stronger speed boost, stronger shield and more health given by the ult).

Some items remains situational (at least for Lulu) like Solari, Mickael's Crucible, Randuin or spirit visage. However, they've became more interesting for supports like Taric, which scales with armour and bonus health. This goes the same for other supports that aren't damage-oriented (like Nidalee).

By the way, I would disagree on the fact that AP builds aren't for teamfights. When utility scales on AP, then AP is good for teamfight.

I would also strongly discourage supports (non damaged oriented) to go for long-term items like rod of ages, or seraph's embrace. These need times to build up their strength, and supports need the first three items (sightstone, gold item and boots) A.S.A.P. (the first two provide gold, the last will avoid you getting constantly killed).

As a conclusion, supports can spend their gold to strengthen their advantages and diminish their weaknesses.