League-of-legends – How to you last hit competently with Ryze


I just bought Ryze and am having such a hard time farming early with Ryze with auto attacks. I have even specced into minion damage masteries and am always still way lower in CS than many of my other AP Champions. What can I do to improve my last hitting with him?

Best Answer

I have been playing champions in mid lane that have horrific auto-attack animations and/or low base AD/AD-scaling for as long as I can remember (see: LB, Anivia, Ryze).

From what I've noticed, Ryze's auto-attack much resembles that of a Tower or a Siege Minion in the sense that the damage is done slightly after the bolt of lightning(?) appears to hit your target.

Just keep trying to last hit, but adjust your timing ever so slightly to compensate for this discrepancy. It'll take a bit of time adjusting when you switch mids between games, but eventually the transition will be seamless.