League-of-legends – Is it possible to jungle with every hero in the game


I know a lot of the junglers can jungle but can all of the heroes do so? I see no reason they wouldn't be able to but i am not 100% sure if its possible or not.

Best Answer

Short answer: Yes you can. Even with the "squishest" champion, let's say "Sona"

or Karthus

But it's not worth with EVERY champion.

The best jungler are:

  • Clear his jungle FAST.
  • Gank in every opportunity
  • Do not wait level 6 or more for ganks (at level 2~4 you usually can gank with normal junglers)

So, if you are looking for some for fun jungle, go ahead, pick "random" and a smite and go for it (of course, runes and mastery are the most important thing here). But if you are trying to play hi elo, go for the default jungler.