League-of-legends – Is Lich Bane viable on Amumu


Is Lich Bane viable on Amumu (jungle) (for ranked/competitive)?


  1. You get some movement speed, which is great for chasing enemies
  2. You get ability power, which increases your overall damage output
  3. You can get an autoattack off after you hit your Q which procs spellblade.
  4. E has a pretty low cooldown even if you're not getting hit, which lets you get some spellblade procs pretty often
  5. Higher single target damage which allows faster baron and dragon clear
  6. The mana is nice


  1. You're melee, which makes it harder to hit with autoattacks
  2. The other items you build are normally tanky (Sunfire, Liandrys, Abyssal, Zhonya's)

It might make it more viable in lategame, when you're winning and you sell your boots or your Jungler item for it.

My Runes (Ap mixed + armor)

  • Ability Power + 14.9
  • Ability Power / Level +1.56 (28.04 @ 18)
  • Armor + 9
  • Magic Pen. + 7.8

My Masteries (MuMu) 9/21/0

Best Answer

It definitely shouldn't be your first choice. The main Problem with Lichbane is that you require some AP for it to be efficient. Of course, if you are playing AP Amumu you could definitely say that it's a good and viable Item, however the viability of Full AP Amumu is rather questionable.

If you want to go for a bit of extra damage on Amumu or other low-scaling AP/Magic damage tanks in general like sejuani your best choices would be items like Liandrys Torment, Abyssal Scepter or sometimes even Zhonyas or Rylais Crystal Scepter. All of these items provide either enough Abilitypower or Magic penetration to increse your damageoutput by a good amount and they also Provide either Health, Armor or Magic resistance.

The main function of Amumu in a teamfight is bringing a lot of CC and a little bit of sustained damage while soaking up as much damage as possible. If you want to play an AP Assassin Amumu you will of course be able to oneshot ADCs (the scaling on your Q and Ult are pretty decent) but in general you should have enough burst in your team from mid or toplane. Amumus damage potential lies in low sustained damage, not in average burst damage.