League-of-legends – Is Lich Bane still a viable item for Fizz


The question is pretty straightforward. Is Lich Bane still a viable item for Fizz. It's 99% of the times the first item I buy and I keep it until the end. It is a good item to start your build with and it still remains a good item on late game or should I sell it and buy something else?

Best Answer

I wouldn't say it's a good item... It's crucial.

Lichbane has basically everything that fizz needs: AP, Mana, Movementspeed and the Best Passive an Item could ever have for fizz: On-Hit Bonus Magic damage w that scales with AP and that gets applied instantly with your Q.

There is no Item for fizz that comes even close to this one. You should rush a Sheen almost all the time as a core Item on him. Sometimes even before boots of speed. The Active and Passive stats are just too good and they can help you snowball early.