League-of-legends – Laning against Aatrox


So, the other day I found myself in top lane (as Riven) against the newest champion, Aatrox. And much to my annoyance, I lost lane pretty badly, with there being little I could do about it.

The first problem is that Aatrox has built in sustain. Even before he gets items, he can heal up easily by just auto attacking minions. Considering he has a ranged slow for harass, this makes trading a joke, as he'll heal up any damage I deal, while I need to burn potions or recall.

The second problem is that the lane is nearly unkillable. Sure, I can get in and do some nice damage as Riven, but his jump is very effective at letting him get away, and though I managed to force his passive several times, at that point he's close enough to his tower to escape before I can finish the job.

In short, I'm up against a laning opponent that I can't kill and who has better harass and sustain. Is there a reasonable way to actually win this lane on my own, or do I need to farm it out and ask for jungler assistance?

Best Answer

Aatrox is extremely reliant on basic attacks. Getting a Ninja Tabi and a Wardens Mail will shut him down HARD. Wardens Mail eventually can become a Frozen Heart or Randuins Omen, both of which are excellent defense items against Aatrox.

If his jump is becoming a problem consider a Phage to perhaps enhance your movespeed enough to catch up to him, or perhaps a Bilgewater Cutlass\Blade of the Ruined King. Both item's have an active that slows him down and the BoRK actually speeds you up as well.

A good Aatrox will make good use of his escapes, and short of using the assistance of a good gank, he may be hard to kill. The trick is catching him while his abilites are on CD as they tend to be moderatly long.

If you can't bring him down just farm it out, as long as you can get him to the point where he has trouble striking the minions, you've got him cold, as he can no longer sustain.