League-of-legends – late game mages


Sometimes a ranked game hits 40 minutes. At this point most players on the enemy team have one or more sources of magic resist and this is extremely annoying to me as Xerath, Orianna or also when playing some other mages.

I feel that the game eventually turns into 5 v 5 off-tank battle and I don't have enough damage to actually kill anyone. Since I am a glass cannon with no defense and 800-900 AP, the enemy tanks can easily rushe me down, leaving my tanky teammates with no damage to slowly die and get aced. How do I deal with late game? What do I do when all enemies have 3k health and 100+ Magic resistance. I usually have the most important Ability Power items at this stage of the game.

Best Answer

The most important part about playing squishy champions in lategame is positioning. You're not the super beefy frontline that just chases everyone down. Especially on champions like Orianna and Xerath where you have absolutely no escape spells. In (lategame) teamfights you should almost always use your flash defensively and/or to reposition yourself.

If you're playing these "classic mages" your main tasks are: crowd control, poking, waveclearing and killing the other squishies.

Crowd Control

You basically should use your Crowd Control Abilities to simply lock down everyone who is a threat. You can use it to peel for your other Squishies in the team, but also to secure a potential kill on a target that's out of position. If you're playing champions with AOE CC (like Orianna) you should also try to use your CC spells to melt down the entire enemy team at once. Usually in combo teams this allows for easy kills on high priority targets while after that your ADCs can kill the tanks.


A lot of classic mages can also poke really well. If you play one of those (like Xerath) you should simply spam your spells to bring the enemy team low before the actual teamfight begins. Here it's not as important as in teamfights to focus a high-priority target but it's still recommended. Also if you're fighting for jungle objectives like Baron or Dragon, you can completely change the outcome of the fight before it even begins simply by poking all the time.


Usually Mages have really good waveclear and a lot of people forget how important this is. Obviously it's really useful for pushing but it's even more useful for defending turrets. If the enemy team has no minions an engage on you will be a lot harder since they cannot position that easy without taking a lot of damage from turrets (yes even lategame tanks take damage from turrets).

Killing Squishies

Of course this is basically your main job in a teamfight. This is essentially a combination of all of the above. Usually you don't even have the target directly but you can also force them out of a fight. To kill one of their squishies you'll usually have to find them out of position which isn't always that easy. If you can't do it (maybe because the enemy ADC positions himself very well) you can switch over to the next highest priority target that's in range or just bring some AOE damage/utility.

A last word: Most mages aren't that strong in lategame. They are mainly built around Mid-Game teamfights.