League-of-legends – Would it be viable to run an AP champ in bottom lane with a support and put your ranged AD carry in mid


I know that the current meta is AP champ in mid with AD carry with support in bottom lane but I have thought about the potential of switching that up.

Keep in mind that I think this would only work as purple team because the AP champ in bottom lane would want to be able to get blue.

Here is an example team composition:

AP Bottom: Cassiopeia, Swain, or Morgana. Picking an AP champ that can push and farm with some ease. It would be very important for this champ to run flat armor yellows and maybe even an armor quint. The idea would be to push the lane and try to force the enemy AD to lose cs by farming at tower.

Bottom Support: Soraka. Soraka would allow the AP champ to spam their spells even when they don't have blue. It would also allow for the lane to have a lot of sustain and be relatively safe.

**AD Carry Mid: Tristana or Graves. ** Picking someone with some form of escape is important here. The rune page should have flat magic resist blues to help with trading damage. Having someone like Tristana who has a lot of range should be able to easily force the enemy champ out of lane.

I think there would be an advantage when trading damage because the enemy champion will be running the wrong runes (Magic resistance vs Attack damage and Armor vs Magic damage). This could potentially turn into getting an early lane advantage. If you are on purple side your AP champ in bot lane could still get blue and be able to push and farm well. With good warding a champion like Cassiopeia could safely keep the lane pushed up to tower with a Soraka support and the help of blue buff.

Could this work in competitive play? Duo Q (with the duo playing as the AP and AD champs)?

Best Answer

Generally speaking? No, probably not.

Mostly because AP characters value levels over items in most cases, and in bot lane you'd be having a support sucking up XP. Overall, this would mean that the enemy's AP carry in mid is becoming stronger than the AP character in bottom lane, while the allied AD carry in mid isn't becoming notably stronger than the enemy AD carry at bot. AD carries scale with items, and not really with levels. Thus, the AD carry wouldn't really gain anything from being in mid lane.

The majority of AD carries also couldn't lane against the majority of AP carries. While AD carries would start off strong, with decent pokes, once the AP carry gets to level 6 and has a Doran's Ring or two it is pretty much game over unless they've fed. There is no way an AD carry can keep up with the raw control and damage of an AP mid. Regardless of who the mid is.

The only exceptions to the above rule would be Corki, Ezreal, and possibly Urgot. Corki actually does scale with levels, as does Ezreal to an extent. Urgot is just innately tanky with super long ranged harass. ALL of those characters would have mana issues though, and would have to rush a mana regen item to compensate for that. And Corki and Ezreal would still have trouble with high burst/high CC champions such as Cassio/Annie/Ahri/Karthus/Just About Every Popular AP Mid Right Now.

Specifically speaking? Sure!

There will always be specific situations where you could counter certain champion picks by using more elaborate strategies. This is where a lot of the original "meta breaking" strategies come from. Such as running kill lanes in bot, double AP carries, double AD carries, or even double jungle. It can work in certain situations, but it won't work on a regular basis. And will rarely if ever work in solo or duo ques.