League-of-legends – lose League points even though I have a very good score


I've been playing a lot of ranked in League of Legends and I've had games where I end up with a positive K/D score. For example, I played Shen, scored 16/3/12 and we lost. My team fed but I still lost points, 18 LP to be precise. Do you lose points when you lost and get them when you win or is there some other system effecting my rank?

Best Answer

Your in-game score is irrelevant for LP gain/loss. It is calculated based on the game's estimation of the relative skill differences between your team and their team, as calculated by win/loss history; and by the difference between your current LP and the game's estimation of your skill level. This second category helps dampen the effects of streakiness, and ensures that there's a penalty for a loss even in D5 of a league.

As a side note, if you have that many kills as Shen, and your team keeps dying, it's possible that you need to work on your teamwork a bit more, saving people with a well-timed taunt/shield.