League-of-legends – most efficient combo to take out Jungle Camps with Lee Sin


I am wondering if, when Jungling with Lee Sin, I should lead in on the Jungle Camps with a certain skill to maximize my clear speed. Is there a certain skill combo to use? Thank You!

Best Answer

Since your passive refunds energy always make sure that you AA twice before using another ability. Below is the rotation I usually take.

W1 >> AA*2 >> W2 >> AA*2 >> Q1 >> AA*2 >> Q2 >> AA*2 >> E1

I always find it better to start with W because the jungle camps hit hard early and the sustain from your second combo'd with smite helps you stay alive. Do not use the second E because it does no damage and doesn't reduce the attack speed of enemies any more making the spell useless while clearing. never start with Q because your second Q is an execution spell. It will deal more damage based on how much health the enemy is missing. Using it second allows you to use the spell vamp from the second W.

I hope this helps


Source: I am a jungle main and have been playing since Season 3.