League-of-legends – the optimal way to play the remade Evelynn in the jungle


After the remake Eve has become much stronger in the jungle. Her base stats have improved and she has a much faster clearing time. Her Q can hit all mobs in the camps and her E helps trigger slots of Wiggle procs.

She has also become quite a potent roamer. Her passive means she avoids normal ward vision (but not vision wards) so she can gank over extended lanes pretty well, although mid lane ganks aren't very easy for her pre level 6.

Eve can also counter jungle very well, depending on the enemy jungler. She is not strong at dueling so you need to be careful.

  1. Is Eve better as AD or AP when playing jungle?
  2. Early-mid game, is it better to focus on ganking, counter jungling, or just normal
    jungling as she clears camps so fast?

Best Answer

Let me stop you in your tracks mate :)! The thing about eve is that she is squishy and is played poorly very often and is easy to mess up. People misunderstand her for good reasons because she rarely shines and ends up feeding.

I have had success with her jungling by how she comes out of stealth and has the slow along with her e which shreds armor. Her ult allows her to gain health after a kill and move super fast. That is a perfect jungler description: a champ who can gank well and have some way to slow to have the laning champion(s) catch up.

I have had some success laning by being aggressive early (know your limits however) and then farming up while they stay back, some teams have eve roaming nonstop and a jungler on the side, while having only 1 champ in each lane.

It is true though she isn't really played in tournaments, but I have seen her in the high elos (2000 range) and those players know how to play her well!