League-of-legends – ny easy way to determine Annie’s combo can kill an enethe champion or not


When I play Annie, I always try to kill an enemy champion in a second by R-W-Q combo, but sometimes the enemy survive my combo with little HP…

So, is there any easy way to determine my combo can kill an enemy or not?

Best Answer

I made a spreadsheet that calculates Annie's burst damage. You can download the spreadsheet as an Excel file or copy to another Google spreadsheet if you have Google Drive. You will have to use Paste Special when pasting across spreadsheet.

The spreadsheet is pretty self explanatory and easy to update while playing as you go back to buy items. All of the values to plug in are in the two sections Enemy Stats and Your Stats at the top of the spreadsheet. You can plug in your opponent's Max HP, MR, as well as your AP and your Magic Resist reduction stats. The burst damage is highlighted in a box, and there is a further breakdown of the damage below.

For example, with the end-game build that Domenik provided, against an opponent with 120 MR and 3000 HP you deal 2987.63 burst damage after resistances - their entire life total. Wow that hurts.

Some assumptions:

  • Masteries are not taken into account, so if your opponent has bonus damage reduction or you have bonus damage, you will have to judge things by the situation. In all cases overestimate how tough your opponent is if you're looking for a clean kill.

  • This assumes you level R > Q > W > E, which is very practical for most Annie games albeit not the most damage (W outscales Q, but Q is necessary for farming). It's possible for you to update the spreadsheet and adjust the skill order if you want to. Note I don't consider E at all, because your target should be stunned during your combo and will not be attacking you.

  • This assumes you execute a perfect 4 second DFG-R-Q-W-Q combo. Because Q is on a 4 second cooldown, with a little cooldown reduction you can cast it twice before the damage boost from DFG wears off. Even if your opponent flashes you should be in range for a second Q given some good positioning.

  • This also assumes that you can get 3 ticks of Tibber's passive damage, which is very reasonable. You might lose some damage here if your target flashes away from Tibbers. This also assumes that Tibbers does not auto attack your opponent, since in practice it is difficult to both combo and direct Tibbers unless you are in a 1v1 situation. You can safely estimate auto-attack damage at 100-200 damage for the burst duration at any point in the game. Since natural armor gain roughly scales with Tibber's auto damage and Tibbers attacks pretty slow you can't expect much more from auto attack damage. I'll add Tibbers' auto damage to the spreadsheet if people request it.