League-of-legends – On average, what times are junglers able take each camp


I was wondering if there was some kind of document where i could review the junglespeed of each champion. I don't want to know when they get to be lvl 6, but when they take which camp.

Beeing able to tell where a champion is in the jungle and even more importantly, when they take their buffs, would be insanely helpful to counterjungling. This information is not yet easily available somewhere right now. I think it would suffice to only get those times for common junglers, but it would be helpful to have like a time range when they take a camp so the time is not too much off, when the jungler is slow/fast.

Best Answer

Hmm, i'm not sure if it is possible to create such a list. I mean some champs like warwick can start at different parts on the map so the time will always be different. Not to mention that some champions can get a little help here and there.

Also if your facing a jungle champ without smite( Boooo! ) or a jungle champ with smite the timing will be off. Also i think that some junglers are less skilled then others so it takes longer.

Or some junglers just randomize things to not get counter jungled.

The best thing fro counterjungling is imho still warding the jungle up...