League-of-legends – How to finish a stalemating game


I just lost my second game where the teams were fairly even, all the enemy turrets were down, but we lose a team fight and just get rolled while we're waiting ~70 seconds to respawn.

When we kill all the inhibitors in a raid, we'll keep them bottled up in their base for minutes while they run around killing minions, but farming hardly matters at this stage when we're capped out on equipment and blowing money on pots. Baron and dragon are killed every time they're up, but the buff seems slight at best at this point. Our team composition was probably worse at this extreme late-game, where they had 2 good ranged AD/AP carries that could easily focus one of us down at a time, but is there any way around this?

If one or two of us died despite all lanes pushed to their base with super-minions, they would smartly dive while leaving one of them at base to manage minions. We tried just sitting in a bush in their jungle waiting for them to split up, but any time we were all up they barely went 2 feet outside of their base.

How can you win games like this where your extreme-late-game composition is worse than the enemy team and their carries turn semi-tanky?

Best Answer

Sadly, there's no sure-fire way of resolving this situation.

You won't be able to rely on minions to take out their towers and nexus, especially if their uber status gets to the point where they can start defending their respawning inhibitors. If you get really lucky and get their nexus towers down, you could just farm minions hard enough for yours to take the nexus down a bit then try to dive the nexus. I'd consider this a Hail Mary more than anything else, though.

If you know you're going up against a team that is going to steamroll you once they get maxxed out (2+ carries), the main goal is to take advantage of the fact that they will be weaker in the early game. If you zone the carries and/or kill them enough to keep them from getting geared and leveled, your team will get powerful enough to take their nexus before they can do anything about it.

Assuming you find yourself in that unfortunate position anyway and forcing their team to split up isn't working, you absolutely have to focus the primary damage dealers down first. If they stick together and you're not killing their carries first, you'll take way more damage than you will deal out over the course of the fight and you're sure to lose.