League-of-legends – Rare/Promotional Skins


Is there a list somewhere of all skins that can be acquired through promotions or are given out rarely? I have looked online but cannot seem to find a full list.

Example, PAX Sivir which can only be used on NA Servers and was handed out at a event.

Best Answer

Trendee, I'll try to list all of the rare and promotional skins. Source - All Champion Skins

---- Two skins you can get fairly easily right now:

  • Unchained Alistar - Subscribe to Riot Games' YouTube channel

  • Riot Girl Tristana - "Like" on Facebook

*Note that I will not list most of the legacy skins; However, I will list legacy skins that were given out during promotions.

  • All Star Akali - 975 RP (Limited - Football World Cup in RPA 2010)

  • Black Alistar - (Limited - digital pre-order)

  • Vancouver Amumu - (Limited - Winter Olympics in Vancouver 2010)

  • Regifted Amumu - 520 RP (Limited - Snowdown 2010)

  • Team Spirit Anivia - (Limited - Winter Olympics in Vancouver 2010)

  • Goth Annie - Included in Digital Collector's Pack (3900 RP)

  • FrankenTibbers Annie - 975 RP (Limited - Harrowing 2011)

  • Rusty Blitzcrank - (Limited - discontinued 17.01.2010)

  • Goalkeeper Blitzcrank - 520 RP (Limited - Football World Cup in RPA 2010)

  • Definitely Not Blitzcrank - 520 RP (Limited - Harrowing 2011)

  • Arctic Warfare Caitlyn - 975 RP or PC Gamer Promo, North America (If you didn't get this from the promotion, you can still buy it)

  • Nightmare Cho'Gath - 520 RP (Legacy ; Used to be free through partnership with Alienware)

  • UFO Corki - Free for accounts created before 14.01.2010 (Limited)

  • Ice Toboggan Corki - (Limited - Winter Olympics in Vancouver 2010)

  • Mundo Mundo - 975 RP (Limited - Harrowing 2010)

  • Striker Ezreal - 520 RP (Limited - Football World Cup in RPA 2010)

  • Union Jack Fiddlesticks - (Limited - Winter Olympics in Vancouver 2010)

  • Pumpkinhead Fiddlesticks - 520 RP (Limited - Harrowing 2010)

  • Toy Soldier Gangplank - 975 RP (Limited - Snowdown 2011)

  • Santa Gragas - 975 RP (Limited - Snowdown 2010)

  • Snowmedinger - 975 RP (Limited - Snowdown 2011)

  • Victorious Jarvan IV - Limited: Gold or Platinum medal in Season 1

  • The Mighty Jax - (Limited - Winter Olympics in Vancouver 2010)

  • PAX Jax** - Limited: Pax 2010 or Pax East 2011

  • Festival Kassadin - (Limited - Winter Olympics in Vancouver 2010)

  • Red Card Katarina - 975 RP (Limited - Football World Cup in RPA 2010)

  • Kitty Cat Katarina - 975 RP (Limited - Harrowing 2010)

  • Silver Kayle - Collector's Edition

  • Judgement Kayle - Limited: 10 matched games in Season 1

  • Reindeer Kog'maw - 975 RP (Limited - Snowdown 2010)

  • Festive Maokai - 975 RP (Limited - Snowdown 2011)

  • Candy Cane Miss Fortune - 975 RP (Limited - Snowdown 2010)

  • K-9 Riot Nasus - Meet Rioter personally

  • Snow Bunny Nidalee - (Limited - Snowdown 2009)

  • Bewitching Nidalee - 975 RP (Limited - Harrowing 2011)

  • Haunting Nocturne - 520 RP (Limited - Harrowing 2011)

  • Workshop Nunu - (Limited - Snowdown 2009)

  • Lollipoppy Poppy - 975 RP (Limited - Harrowing 2010)

  • Ragdoll Poppy - 975 RP (Limited - Snowdown 2010)

  • King Rammus - Limited: Closed Beta Testers

  • Human Ryze - (Limited - Amazon/Gamestop Pre-order)

  • Champion Ryze - Win certain LoL Events

  • Zombie Ryze - 975 RP (Limited - Harrowing 2010)

  • Nutcracko - 975 RP (Limited - Snowdown 2010)

  • Riot Squad Singed - Limited: Meet Rioter personally (before GamesCom 2011)

  • Huntress Sivir - Direct 2 Drive or Gamer's Choice Pack

  • PAX Sivir* - Limited: PAX Prime 2011 Goodie Bags

  • Silent Night Sona - 520 RP (Limited - Snowdown 2010)

  • Happy Elf Teemo - (Limited - Snowdown 2009)

  • Earnest Elf Tristana - (Limited - Snowdown 2009)

  • Viking Tryndamere - 975 RP or promotion code from Dreamhack Summer 2011

  • PAX Twisted Fate - Limited: PAX 2009

  • Whistler Village Twitch - (Limited - Winter Olympics in Vancouver 2010))

  • Medieval Twitch - 50 referred friends with RaF 2.0 (350 with RaF 1.0)

  • Curling Veigar - (Limited - Winter Olympics in Vancouver 2010)

  • Nosferatu Vladimir - 975 RP (Limited - Harrowing 2010)

  • Grey Warwick - 25 reffered friends with RaF 2.0 (50 with RaF 1.0)

  • Urf the Manatee - 5000 RP (99% sales during first week) (Limited - April's Fool 2010)

  • Winger Hussar Xin Zhao - 975 RP or help with bug testing Polish client version

  • Old St. Zilean - (Limited - (23.12.2009 - 27.12.2009))

I have been to PAX East 2012 this year, and have gathered some knowledge about the PAX skins.

*PAX Sivir could be obtained @Riot Games Booth at PAX East 2012. **PAX Jax was difficult to obtain at PAX East 2012, but was still available then. I had to win it from this "Spin to Win" wheel of fortune type game there.