League-of-legends – What champions can break out of suppression or use abilities while suppressed


With the v1.0.0.111 patch notes it is mentioned that Tryndamere had a bug where he couldn't use his ult during suppression. This sounded weird to me since I was under the idea that suppression was a stun that you couldn't cleanse out of or use abilities while suppressed. Looking around the Internet I can't seem to find a hard defined rule for when a champion may get out of this or use his ability, some champs can just do it with some abilities but I can't find a complete list. So which champion abilities can be used while suppressed?

Best Answer

Suppression a stun which you cannot cleanse out of. It is also unaffected by merc treads / any CC reductions, such as Irelia's passive. The only two ways to get out of it are either the caster gets interrupted or you use the active on quicksilver sash.

The suppression acts as a normal stun + locks all summoner spells (flash, cleanse)

The stun part of the suppression stops champions from using active skills (as of 16th Feb 2011), with the exceptions of:

Passive abilities will kick in, such as Anviva's egg.