League-of-legends – Reasons not to recall after slaying Baron without the enethe team around


Why would you not recall after a baron if dragon is not up the enemy team is not around and losing towers is out of the question? Recalling gives you better items, health and thus more team fight potential.

Best Answer

Why would you? Perhaps there are waves to clear, minion camps to farm, etc.

There are always things to do on the map. Yes a lot of the time it makes sense to recall, but just as often there is something you can take. Frequently I kill baron then find myself 100 gold short on an item so go clear a jungle camp or similar before recalling.

Just having taken one objective does not by itself mean "recall now", it just adds more gold into the picture that may mean it is time to recall.

Being good at LoL is a lot about tactical flexibility, there is no solid rule to say you should always do X when Y.