League-of-legends – Runes for Support builds


Should I buy scaling runes or flat increase runes? I mostly play support champs and I am looking for some advice as to the best runes to buy for support champs. Should I go mag/phys defense scaling, or flat increase.

Best Answer

Currently, the meta has supports as a highly mobile (+5 mobility boots) champion designated to provide wards everywhere past the laning phase. During the laning phase, you will be harassed constantly, and will require the extra armor to negate the ADC's poke damage, so flat runes are generally much better, as runes provide much more significant stats earlier in the game.

For yellows i would reccomend Flat Defence runes for early laning defence against the opposing ADC.

For blues i would reccomenD scaling CDR(Cooldown Reduction) runes, as the CDR will help immensely later into the game.

As for reds, they would be your personal preference, as primary marks are all offensive, and offer little to no help in the current role of support. I personally use flat magic penetration for some lane harass, but past laning phase, these runes in general offer little bonus.