League-of-legends – Running LoL on guest account on mac


I'm unable to run League of Legends on a guest account on my mac. Is there something I need to do to be able to do that? I've given all privileges I can give to the guest account in System Preferences.

This article is referring to a LoL folder on mac, https://support.leagueoflegends.com/entries/23240853-Mac-Administrator-Settings-and-File-Folder-Permissions , I don't know if they mean the app in the applications folder or something else but the app itself has permissions to read and write by everyone.

Any help about how to open and run League of Legends on a guest account on a mac would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

I am assuming you are getting the same error that I got when trying to launch the LoL client as a different user than who installed it. The error is something along the lines of: "You do not have permission to launch League of Legends" or "This application cannot be opened".

I was able to get League to launch as any user logged into the computer. We are in a Windows domain environment where different users login to our lab iMacs.

You can do this by opening Terminal and running the following commands:

cd /Applications
sudo chmod -R 777 "League of Legends.app"

The above commands set file permissions using the CHMOD command on the "League of Legends.app" package and any files/folders below it (-R). The command allow everyone to read and write as well as open/execute the application (777).

Hope this helps!