League-of-legends – see the result of the Tribunal judgements


How can I see the result of my League of Legends Tribunal judgement? I want to know if I should be judging slightly harsher or much more harshly so my views align with the "community", so I get more +5 IP boosts.

Best Answer

There are currently no plans to ever make this information available. Riot employees review all cases that result in a permanent ban, and they reviewed EVERY case when the tribunal was first released. You gain IP not for voting the same as the rest of the community, but for voting how Riot's staff would vote. Admittedly, not every case is reviewed by Riot anymore (those that just give out warnings) but players who are still voting in the tribunal today are those who voted in accordance with Riot's policy since it first came out.

Just ask yourself how a Riot staff member would vote on the case you are reviewing, and do likewise.

Remember that the 5 IP bonus as an incentive is still fairly low for the time invested. If you want to make easy IP, it's faster to simply play several bot games (under the new AI update, rewards are decent) The IP rewards are there to avoid making players who are dedicated to the tribunal feel like they are wasting their limited playing time.

Everything Riot has posted about the Tribunal since the dawn o' time:
