League-of-legends – Does the intermediate AI cheat


Does the intermediate (or beginner for that matter) AI in League of Legends 'cheat' and get more gold than normal? I just finished a game where team meat popsicle was up 47 kills (and 60 assists) to 27 (and 27) and had 150 more minion kills and 40 more neutral kills, but trailed gold earned by 57.9k to 71.0k.

More generally, I've heard that you can't really "feed" the AI (gold that is, experience is another matter), as they will always get the same items at some predefined time regardless of how much gold they actually have. Is this true? What's going on?

Best Answer

Unfortunately there is no Red Post on the following forum thread, but it pretty much describes the different apparent "cheats" that happen on this game mode.

As Raven Dreamer stated, they get items on a scheduled basis, whether or not they have very low K/D ratio, this is one of the principal facts of making Coop. vs Ai more challenging that the actual custom games.