League-of-legends – Smartcast and range indicators for certain skills


As far as i know you can have your skills cast when you hit (keydown) your skill key QWER or after you press the target with your mouse. The whole clicking with the mouse to activate the skill sucks – it add too much delay and opportunaty for failure. Using smartcast to activate the skill right away can be very tricky though – especially when aiming long skillshots. Luckily there is an alternative, enabling range indicators. With this enabled, you will see a range indicator when you press keydown and have the skill activate on skill up (with the option to cancle out by clicking with the mouse). All is great, except how can you enable range indicators for certain skills only?

Take Thresh for example. I really like the range indicator for his Q so i can see where the hook will fly, also i like it on his flay as well (because i always forget to position it correctly when i want to flay towards me – i place it in front of me and then do a 180 degree rotate around myself – yeah i know i need to fix that). His lantern and box though, i don't want to have it delayed till i lift my finger from the keyboard. I want them activated immediately when i hit the key.

I know the UI is not giving me the option to do it individually (yes i can turn off smartcast but that will only make it worse – forcing me to click with the mouse to activate) but is it possible with keybindings somehow? Perhaps edit direcly in the keybindings.ini file?

This is NOT about enabling smartcast on certain skills. It's enable/disable range indicators for certain skills while using smartcast on ALL skills.

Can anyone help?

Best Answer

I'm nearly sure this can't be done, I'm sorry. Anyway, I can offer you an alternative: set QWER to smartcast and shift+QWER to non-smartcast. When you'll learn with this, it's absolutely intuitive to use, and it ensures that when precision matters, you place that Anivia's wall perfectly, and when speed matters, you will be fast as lightning is.

Sadly, I don't think there are other alternatives. It's good to learn to play with some spells being smartcasted and some just generally not, and to set your casts every single game for every single champ.

Btw. pro tip: always smartcast on Udyr. It's hard to master, but it really works.