League-of-legends – the best way to land skill shots at short range


I am by no means a bad skill shot based player, but it always seems much easier to land a successful skill shot when the target is further away from me. No matter the speed of the skill shot it just seems easier to predict where the champion will be and when you will connect at longer range.

At shorter ranges it is just a toss up predicting where they will go, when they try to dodge, or if they will even dodge at all. Its hard to tell in such a short amount of time with them running or advancing.

Is there a way for me to practice better skill shots at short range or should I always wait for them to distance themselves and mess up a dodge? I would like to go from 80% success rate to at least 97% in short range.

I use smart cast with range indicator so that my cast is pretty instantaneous.

Anyone know of any replay of a perfect skill shot game?

Best Answer

It really depends on the champion whose skill shot you're trying to use. For example, lee sin actually has a significantly easier time landing his q at close range, because he can slow them down first and almost be guaranteed a q.

Other than the obvious answer of "more experience", what I would suggest doing is not getting yourself in a situation where you're not in a comfortable position to skillshot, or wait to use that ability until you're sure it will hit. For example, as Morgana, sometimes I'll either ult first, or wait for someone else to land a snare before I dark binding in lane.

Another example that's probably more related to your question, is when I play Graves. Sometimes they'll get right up in my face, I buckshot, and it's the completely wrong direction. If I had just waited 1 more second before doing it, I would have landed it no problem, and it wouldn't have affected anything else. I just got too antsy to use it and didn't wait for them to be in a position where I knew it was going to hit.

So ya.. I would suggest waiting an extra second if they're right up in your face and you don't know which way they're going to dodge. At the end of the day, without a slow / another stun, and a competent opponent, it's up to chance at close range.