League-of-legends – the best way to play a support champion


Should you go solo top to farm, or go bot and constantly be on your toes because you will have to keep your lane buddy safe? If you go bot, you won't farm at all because your lane buddy has to farm up good to be effective, but on the other hand you won't get any money except from assists, which, depending on aggressiveness, may not occur often. So how should you play these support champs?

Best Answer

Each support champion plays a different role (e.g Teemo would play differently than Sona, Soraka would play differently than Fiddlesticks). If you're looking at a specific support, perhaps you should ask "How do you play Sona as support effectively?".

In general, if you're claiming the role of support your biggest responsibility is do cater to the whims of the range AD you will roll with bottom lane. Often times when I play support I'll ask the range AD which he/she would prefer (Some like having the auras and diversity Sona can provide, while some like the extra control Janna can offer, and others like the extra mana from Soraka).

Regardless of the support champion you end up with there are a few important jobs you have:

  • Ward: Vision is key to preventing ganks and following enemey movements, as you're support and $$ is less important to you than other roles, spend it on wards (here is a guide on it Where/How to ward
  • Clairvoyence(CV): Get the ability it'll help with finding junglers, keeping up with dragon/blue/red/baron spawns, and also is useful to toss in Top's river every once in awhile(saves him from being ganked)
  • Let your partner get last hits, in fact unless necessary don't even bother hitting minions unless you're pushing. If you're doing damage and your partner is trying to last hit, your damage may mess up their timing.
  • Be map aware: This ties in with Ward and cv, but keep an eye on where champions are in case you need to alert your partner to back off. Also, you may get pings to cv certain locations, so pay attention.
  • When possible buy an oracles elixer to help kill enemy wards. This will prevent them from being map aware!
  • Do what your class is made to do. As this is class specific, I'm not going to elaborate but if your skills can benefit your lane partner use them when needed.

Playing support will take some getting used to, but they can be fun. Don't expect to be the highest level on your team, don't expect to have a full set of items quickly, don't expect to be rich. Unless your character can handle it, you shouldn't be near the front of team fights.

This is only some basic tips, and I'm sure I'm missing some, but it will get you going.