League-of-legends – the most important lane to carry (mid, bot AD, jungle, or top)


I have noticed that midlane is often the most important, but have no facts to back that up. From experience, what is the most carriable lane?

Best Answer

There are two questions built into this: Which lane is the most carry-able (that is, easiest to carry) and which lane is the most important to have carry.

First, let's just come out and say that, given a sufficiently fed or farmed character, any role can carry. Getting into that position is more or less difficult depending on more factors than we can reasonably cover. However, I won't address those long-tail style situations and focus on the core of the problem. I'll also be assuming that everyone is of equal skill and the champions are all equally balanced for their roles.

Second, strong play is always going to be the defining quality behind "carrying." It just usually starts with getting a significant lead in the laning phase. This isn't a requirement, just a general observation.

Third, a quick TL;DR:

  1. 1v1 lanes are the easiest to carry because there are fewer factors that can result in lane dominance.
  2. If your goal is to ace and then push, it's more important your AP role is carrying. If your goal is turret pushes or siege-based strategies, then you'll want your AD carrying to maximize turret damage.

In which lane is it easiest to carry?

1v1 and 2v1 lanes are definitely the answer here. The reason being that in a duo-lane you have someone else looking out for you. Either they're a support and they mitigate anything that happens to you (either by enabling kills of your own, mitigating damage, or healing) or they're another power-house which enables you to go back, heal, and buy items. However, in a 1v1 lane, if you can establish dominance, your opponent has few choices but to play cautiously and wait for you to make a mistake. Jungle ganks are the equalizer, here, but given equivalent quality and quantity of jungle ganks, the person in the lead is the one who will dominate that lane. It also means that you're getting more gold and CS than your opponents and allies. The faster you're getting your levels and items, the more you're going to carry.

This means that, traditionally, both top lane and mid lane are going to be the easiest to carry in, all else being equal.

In which role is it the most important to carry?

I swapped to "role" rather than lane just for clarity, no other reason.

This question hinges on how you intend to destroy the nexus. Do you siege turrets and inhibitors, disengaging whenever the enemies approach? Are you going to ace the opponents and take the opportunity to take a turret or two? Are you just going to bully through with multiple tanks and push turrets like dominoes?

All of these are perfectly valid strategies that fit within the current meta. The most common by far is acing the other team and then pushing, of course. There are too many variables to effectively cover the math in this situation, but in general you'll find that AD carries will do more damage to turrets than AP carries will. Why? It's all about damage per second to a turret.


Damage to a turret is based on your base attack damage plus the higher of your bonus attack damage or 40% of your ability power.

Let's take a base case that you're playing Annie who does (49 + (2.625*18)) * 0.712 = 68.53 damage per second at level 18 (ignore runes, masteries, and that "AD Annie who really carried that one game"). Let's say you have 1000 AP, which we can all agree is exceptional (both in the degree of its quality and the fact it's an exception to the norm). That means you'll be doing 68.53 + (400 * 0.712) = 353.33 raw damage per second to that turret that has 50 armor (for the outer turret; I don't have data for others).

It doesn't take much to imagine an AD carry being able to dish out significantly more raw damage per second to that turret, even taking into account that critical strikes and armor penetration don't apply. Let's all just pause right here and also recognize that adding a Lich Bane to that AP build would tip the scales significantly. But that only covers some AP carries, and I'm trying to be general.

Clearly, if your goal is to push down turrets, either by using a bully-tank based approach or a siege, you want your AD bot to be carrying.

If you're looking to kill the enemy team, however, an argument can be made that having extreme burst damage that you traditionally get from an AP carry makes the most sense. This math is less straight-forward as the turret's static values aren't in place. Suffice to say that the burst from your AP role in the mid-game is designed to be more powerful than you AD, and is often area-of-effect, increasing the total damage done to ridiculous proportions.

In short: Late game and siege-based teams would do well to ensure their AD is well farmed and prepared to carry, whereas roaming gank squads and kill-based teams should focus on making sure your AP is ready for action as soon as possible.